Thursday, January 26, 2006

26 January 2006 - Day 10

I had a pretty bad crash last night, and I saw it coming. I went to medieval fencing, and as I was for various reasons, early (pratically at the beginning of the beginners lesson), i did some serious workout as i haven't done in quite a time, and then the lesson. Afterward, we met at some bar to talk about renewing the site, as is needing a massive overhaul. I went home some two hours late for nap. I remember of setting up the egg-timer, but I must have slept right throught, as I remember waking up two hours later, very sleepy and very confused. I was really to tired to crawl out of bed, and i thought of going directly to next nap studying in bed. I think i managed to read something for half an hour, eyelid dropping continuously, before going asleep. I didn't setup the egg-timer, I think. Woke up four hours later. I can speculate that even if my mind can, most of the time, go on with only some little time of REM only sleep, my body needs long rest to recover from exercising.


HOURS-SLEPT-24: about 10


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